taking communion at home for healing

We can read Scriptures recalling the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and we can pray through confession and … Watch this video from Kenneth Copeland as he teaches more about taking Communion. However when I’m taking communion I prefer the inexpensive Matzo crackers for taking communion. I refuse to receive it any longer. The Lord Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to take Communion in remembrance of Him. Prepare the atmosphere. There is power in the blood of Jesus. and from religion to reality. Today we can apply the blood of Jesus to ourselves in any situation. God created the Lord’s Supper for a reason. Otherwise, you’re neglecting to enjoy the gifts He sacrificed to give you. Thank you for giving us your peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding .”Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you, I do not give to you as the world gives. You don’t need those fancy  and expensive premade communion packets. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you need healing in your body, here are seven tips for taking Communion for your healing: Required fields are marked *. Phillip Chidavaenzi is the author of The Gospel of Grace: From the Old to the New Testament (2016) and Walking in the Spirit (2017). Firstly, take a piece of bread, and in your own words or a variation of these words. The bread represents His body and the wine represents His blood. Thank You Lord for dying on the cross for me and my sins.. By your stripes I AM healed, thank you for your abundant love, right now, and for all eternity. You can still recieve the power of communion at home! It took about a year and a half. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but it’s simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. I partake of those promises now! I am healed. Place yourself before God and receive Communion as the children of Israel did—ready to receive deliverance in your body! If you need healing in your body, here are seven tips for taking Communion for your healing: Purchase a Communion set for your own personal use. That includes sickness and disease (Isaiah 53:5). Purchase a Communion set for your own personal use. Similarly, I pray for wisdom for the leaders in every government and for each person will do what is needed to contain this virus. You don’t need those fancy and expensive premade communion packets. I am redeemed. Ideas for Taking Communion at Home If your LifeGroup or family isn’t familiar with the meaning of communion, use the Scriptures above to explain how it came about and what it’s for. Now, I did not come off Xanax right away. Moreover, the Lord is the Shepherd I shall not lack. 3 Comments on Communion: Forgiveness and Healing During this time of year, many people think back on Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. God is faithful even when we are going through trials you will enjoy this articl, Prophetic Word For March 2020 Vindication. I judge it now as being from Satan, and I reject it. For example, instead of taking wine , grape juice is a wonderful substitute. Beloved, if you feel like you're dying inside, take communion. Kenneth Copeland teaches about the importance of the blood of Jesus and taking Communion in this ... You can take Communion in a church service, at home with your family or by yourself. You can take Communion alone, or with a family member or friend. Recently, Sid Roth interviewed Dr. John Miller, a chiropractor who has studied the power of Communion to heal for more than 20 years. Since healing is a corollary to His taking of our sins, it follows that this two-fold spiritual and physical healing he wants to give us was meant to symbolized in the two step process of communion. Every time you partake of the Communion, you are proclaiming Jesus’ death at the cross that reversed the curse brought about in the garden of Eden. The scriptures you should use to take communion at home are 1 Corinthians 11:24-30. And bread(unleavened bread) was included during the Passover meal. The Lord’s Supper is much more than just a religious tradition—it symbolizes everything Jesus did for us at Calvary. You can receive it anytime and anywhere. Jesus teaches us how to take communion. 2) How do you take communion at home? The body and blood of Jesus covers every area of your existence. Communion is to be taken to remember Christ. Every day, while I'm healing from some tough times I've been through this year. It will be time well-spent. I've just completed a digital printable "Spend Time With God"(in my shop) because when I'm not writing or taking care of my family I will be curled up on my comfy chair spending time with God. Don’t just hope it is done—. Jesus bore our sickness away by taking them in His body because by Jesus’ stripes we were healed 2,000 years ago. Taking communion at home or anywhere else can result in grave consequences if your heart isn’t right. © COPYRIGHT SUSAN L DAVIS. My mission is encouraging Christians by exploring faith and prayer to conquer your day. Taking Communion at Home for Healing Taking communion in your own homes use any bread whether it be a piece of fresh bread, a cracker or even a sliver of a hot dog bun. “My soul, cower thou down under it when the darts of hell are flying: this is the chariot, the covering whereof is of purple; let the storm come, and the deluge rise, let even the fiery hail descend, beneath that crimson pavilion my soul must rest secure, for what can touch me, when I am covered with his precious blood?” Charles  Sprugen from a sermon “The precious blood of Christ.”, God is faithful even when we are going through trials you will enjoy this article. Taking  communion in your own homes use any bread whether it be a piece of fresh bread, a cracker or even a sliver of a hot dog bun. You can take Communion alone, or with a family member or friend. Under these circumstances we show love to others and it is okay to take communion at home. Every time we take Communion, it drives our roots even deeper into our faith in what the covenant of God means to us, and what the body and blood of Jesus has paid for us. The Communion table is the healing table, the deliverance table and the confession table. Written By Bill Johnson. DAY 2: God Wants You Completely Well Every time you partake of the Communion, you experience the very power of Jesus’ redemptive work released into your body—especially healing and health! Lord, let there be healings by the virtue of the Holy Communion in the name of Jesus. Get your communion elements and pl an ready. Father, I give You thanks for all You have provided for me through the New Covenant in Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, by the virtue of the Holy Communion, I announce my deliverance from sin … “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Therefore, thank you, Lord, that your blood is cleansing me from any virus or any other health issues, “I command my blood cells to destroy, every disease, germ or virus I command every cell of my body to be normal in Jesus’s name.” Romans 5:17 Luke 17:6 Charles Capp from God’s Creative Power for Healing, In Jesus name I forbid my body to be deceived in any manner. I would cut off some of the pill and partake of the Communion daily declaring, 'As your brain is, Lord, so is mine in this world. Once you have taken Communion, settle your healing in your heart according to God’s Word. But if you haven’t yet achieved victory in this area, you may be wondering what else you can do, aside from standing for a manifestation. Moreover, “By His stripes, you are healed.”, Thank You JESUS for going to the cross for me. I'm an ordained minister, married, with two kids, three dogs. It really blessed me and encouraged me. Therefore, the body you will not be deceived by any virus or disease germ. Robert thank you so much for your comment! I say In Jesus’ name and by his blood the virus is slowing down, the spreading will stop and the virus will die. Need help? Your email address will not be published. It’s just that Joseph Prince didn’t build a very strong case for this in this booklet. Take the time to put yourself before God over the Communion table. If you need healing in your body, here are seven tips for taking Communion for your healing: Lord, it’s not right that I suffer from sickness or disease. Take Communion in faith believing for deliverance and freedom from sickness, bondage, disease, weakness, gluttony, and anything else that steals, kills or destroys. Take Communion every day if you are sick! Certainly, in faith, I am applying/declaring the Blood of Jesus over my body, family, home town, city, and state. It was only through the sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross that we have a connection with God the Father and have access to heaven. There are even individual, prefilled cup and wafer sets with a long shelf life available for easy use or transport. Why Do Believers Partake Of The Holy Communion? It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many.” Matthew 26:28. All rights reserved. Thank You Lord that you live inside me, Christ in me the hope of Glory. “And the blood shall be to you for a token, And the blood shall be for a sign to you on the houses in which ye are, and I will see the blood, and will protect you, and there shall not be on you the plague of destruction…And the blood shall be for a sign to you on the houses in which ye are, and I will see the blood, and will protect you, and there shall not be on you the plague of destruction,” Exodus 12:13. The wine represents the Jesus’s Blood. When you partake of the cup (representing the blood), you are remembering that Jesus delivered you from sin. That was beutiful.i felt like I was touched in my heart while reading it.love jesus. At the last supper, Jesus said, “For this is my blood, which confirms the covenant between God and his people. In fact I buy a six pack of grape juice, in that way it lasts a long time. God Bless You! It is a holy time to ... so reject it. If you’re a believer, you can take communion at home or just about anywhere. A powerful combination is taking daily communion and applying the blood of Jesus to your lives. T here shoul d be some t ype of bread el ement and some t ype of juice element. I was on Xanax for anxiety. Any day of the year, we're here for you! We use our faith to take Communion, and we do so with determined purpose. God spoke to me on how to receive the Communion in place of taking Xanax. It's a powerful time with the Lord. “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” Luke 22:20, “And He(Jesus) took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19. So, Jesus had to shed His blood for us to be a part of the new covenant. I’m leaving you this reminder of My salvation, My healing, the comfort of My presence, and My victorious return. In fact, when Jesus first modeled the spiritual tradition of communion, He did it in someone’s home. After admonishing others to follow suit by taking family communion, Gray declared, “The blood [of Jesus] still has all power!” according to Matthew 26:26-30. Mar 13. It’s the powerhouse of God. Besides being born again in Christ, a healthy body and mind are the greatest blessings anyone can have. These are notes on the sermon, A Fresh Revelation Of The Communion Brings Healing, preached by Pastor Joseph Prince on Sunday, 13 January 2019, at The Star Performing Arts Centre, Singapore.We hope these sermon notes will be an encouragement to you! DELIVERANCE AND HEALING IN HOLY COMMUNION A few years ago, I was listening to Evangelist Sid Roth on his radio show as he interviewed Dr. John Miller from Florida. You don’t have to wait until you go to church to receive Communion. ... I’m leaving you something—My body and My blood—to remind you who you are and where your true home is. You can take Communion on your own and as often as you would like to take it. Be sure to sign up to get updates on the latest sermon notes by Team JP. I am the head and not the tail. There are even individual, prefilled cup and wafer sets with a long shelf life available for easy use or transport. Taking Communion is appropriating the blood of Jesus over your life, thanking Him for, Be settled on the matter. “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and … But if you would like to try making some tasty unleavened bread for fun, here is a delicious easy recipe. On the night that He was … Firstly, I pray that a vaccine will develop at a rapid pace. So I'm going to keep taking communion. Taking Communion for Healing. THEME BY BLUCHIC. The Communion must be important for the church for God to have told Paul about it and Paul to have included it in his writings. Set aside time to take Communion at home on a regular schedule. Charles Capp from God’s Creative Power for Healing. [26] For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. As always, if you need a partner to agree with you in prayer, please call our prayer ministers at 1-817-852-6000 or submit a prayer request. Exploring Faith And Prayer to Conquer Your Day. I pray my faith will increase and my fear will decrease. The most famous story of communion in the Bible is the story of The Last Supper. THE REAL “WHY” BEHIND TAKING COMMUNION…AN IN-DEPTH BREAK DOWN OF TRUTH & RELIGIOUS MISCONCEPTIONS (Sharing this break down for the purpose of believers gaining understanding so they can RECEIVE by faith all God has powerfully made available to us through communion – namely physical healing & wholeness as well as spiritual benefit) Welcome! As you brain is, so is mine in this world.' It makes this time with God seem very special and reverent. And the Holy Communion is God’s ordained channel of healing and wholeness. Learn how to take communion in your own home. Discover how Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, can be a supernatural gateway to God’s good provision, blessings, and especially healing. I pray and declare the blood of Jesus to each of our family members, friends, the people on the front lines, our government, moreover, all health workers from the doctor to the janitor, all delivery workers, the store clerks, pharmacies, firemen police officers and everyone that has to venture out to help other. Jesus you are the bread of life, this bread represents your body that was broken on the cross. And I encourage you to do so as well. Matthew 26:26-30 is a good example. As I wrote in my book “God’s Healing Arsenal,” when I had 3rd stage rectal cancer in 2007, I partook of Communion every night before I went to bed, taking as Bernard of Clairvaux put it, “God’s medicine.” I would pray, Jesus, You are my Bread of Life, come and nourish me as I … “Let the redeemed of the LORD SAY so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.”, I am an overcomer, I overcome by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the word of my testimony.” Rev 12:11 emphasis mine, “The power of the Blood of Jesus, the Word of God & the name of Jesus are the believer’s weapons of defense against the Devil.”― Dr. Pazaria Smith, “You are a new creation by the blood of Jesus.”― Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great Mind. [27] © 1997 - 2021 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Lord just like the Israelite’s applied lamb’s blood to their homes and they were spared from the plague. Do not let your hearts be troubled; Do not be afraid. God Bless you, Linda! Likewise from any other diseases. Paul received more revelation from Jesus than all the disciples who walked with Jesus. I partake of the sacrifice of Your Son’s body, and I receive the abundant life that You have provided, in Jesus’ Name. In such cases, communion should be taken to them by an elder, pastor or a family member at their home or place of residence. Moreover, we can apply the Blood of Jesus by speaking and taking communion. However, Jesus said “as often as you do this” when He administered the first Lord's Supper. And also I pray there is no lack of food, medical supplies, or anything else. How to receive Healing and Deliverance when taking Communion 1. I take the healing You sacrificed to give me, and I thank You and praise You for it, in Jesus’ Name. Colossians 1:27. A Prayer Before Receiving Communion Add to Favorites Father God, in the Name of Jesus, we recognize that we have a covenant with You—a covenant that was ratified by the shed blood of Jesus at Calvary. "I believe that the Lord gave me a mission to teach on the health-giving, life-imparting, healing power of the Communion," Prince said, explaining on why … Dr. Miller was talking about how he had studied for 25 years the benefits of taking Holy Communion often, including daily in your home, and sometimes more than once a day. For easy use or transport 53:5 ) home is remembering that Jesus you! Of bread el ement and some t ype of juice element s free ] through [! Communion, and website in this browser for the next time I comment, He did in! Did not come off Xanax right away so with determined purpose juice element Communion I prefer inexpensive. Do not be afraid the Passover meal learn how to take Communion alone, or a. 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