skunk hour paraphrase

He reminds himself, and the reader, that he is completely alone. Confessional poet Robert Lowell expresses his personal trauma in his poem Skunk Hour through his syntax, multiple themes, and his gothic tone. MURIEL RUKEYSER Looking at Each Other. Eventually, they will be gone and she won’t have to look at them. 21 on the ARIA Albums Chart while Chin Chin reached No. It is part of the town of Brooksville. The “millionaire” is predictably dressed as if from an “L.L. In the second half of this section, the speaker describes how the woman has been “buy[ing] up all / the eyesores facing her shore.” With the money she inherited and never did anything with, she is buying properties across the water from her cottage. Once the trap is covered, the skunk will feel safe and the coverer’s heart rate will return to normal. The speaker, an ambiguous “we” dangling over the story, tells the readers bluntly that the heiress' son is a bishop, a farmer on her farm holds a place in the local government, and that she is beginning to grow senile. These stanzas do not conform to a particular rhyme scheme, but there are moments of internal rhyme a reader might notice. Every single person that visits Poem Analysis has helped contribute, so thank you for your support. Explore the poem ‘Skunk Hour’ is taken from Robert Lowell’s extremely influential collection Life Studies, published in 1959.. The speaker even goes so far as to say his “mind’s not right.”, The sixth stanza goes further into what the speaker saw and heard when he was on the hill that night. These lines are dark, depressing, and full of deep feelings of loneliness. Given the nautical context, the "love–cars" bring to mind, at least mine, the "love–boats" that in the good old days passed through a darkened "Tunnel of Love," giving an impetuous teenager a chance to steal a kiss before the boat emerged into the amusement park light of day. Vereen Bell is not sanguine about any reanimation: "Breathing 'rich air' is not likely to contribute much more regeneration than a pang for one who is a hell to himself and whose ill–spirit is threatened by his own hand" (69). In "91 Revere Street" we learn of three family garbage cans, each inscribed "R. T. S. Lowell—U.S.N" (148) to identify them as the property of the feckless head of the house, a former naval officer. This is a reference to someone who lives on the island only during the summer months, leaving when it starts to get colder. He is seeking out some kind of gratification he cannot get in his normal life. ELIZABETH TUDOR, QUEEN … JUDITH MINTY Conjoined. Her farmer is first selectman in our village, she's in her dotage. An emblem book illustration from Herman Hugo's, Given the "dark night of the soul" evocation of the previous stanza, I grant that it is hard to ignore a latent pun on "soles" and "souls." I have been asked: "Is there anything in the text that suggests he died and did not simply lose his money?" As the season changes from summer to fall the “millionaire” is lost. There is a “hermit heiress.” Her son is a bishop and her farmer is the first selectman of the town. All Subjects. It was “bleat[ing]” out a love song. "I […] / breathe the rich air" resuscitates "I breathe the ether of my marriage feast," a line with religious and mystical import in "Where the Rainbow Ends" (69). It proposes a need for action by laying out "dying generations" (Yeats' phrase from "Sailing"). I paid it no mind when Jimmy kept tappin ma shoulda and sayin looka na I had done been sprayed in ma eye! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. heiress still lives through winter in her Spartan cottage; To do something at the “drop of a hat” means that one is going to immediately do whatever it is they need to do. Despite their success in the Sydney live band scene and critical acclaim they did not manage to convert this into mainstream Australian commercial success. He starts using the first person to refer to his own actions. The lights of the city, particularly those around the “Trinitarian Church.”. The "Life Studies" sequence traces Lowell's family history from 1922 to 1957, with family members dying off one by one, leaving him as an heir of two distinguished but played out New England families, the Lowells and the Winslows, whose credentials go back to the Mayflower. Composed of eight six-line stanzas, “Skunk Hour” is one in a series of confessional poems that characterized Lowell’s verse from the 1950s. Features new to … Understanding what the skunks have to do with anything can be super frustrating. They pad up “Main Street” showing off their, These features of the skunks are enhanced due to their location. 5 talking about this. In the following lines, the speaker mentions the millionaire’s “nine-knot yawl.” A yawl is a sailing craft often used by commercial fishermen. a mother skunk with her column of kittens swills the garbage pail. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Wherever he lives is also home to another. MARGE PIERCY A Work of Artifice. One dark night. The speaker's declaration early in the poem that "The season's ill" comes to a head as he describes his "own ill-spirit" and says, "My mind's not right." In his talk “On ‘Skunk Hour,’” Lowell stated, "I hoped my readers would remember John of the Cross's poem. This character “still lives…in her Spartan cottage.” From this line, one is able to determine that the woman has lived in this place for a great deal of time. On the Bayou. It was likely simpler and easier to understand. He simply wants to be “merry.” His work pleases him and he will continue to do it. He relates his own feelings to their need to search, find, and satisfy themselves. The poem is made up of eight sestets, or six-line stanzas. They’ll stomp the ground, slap their tail, and will even stand on their hind paws to better display their backside. He is comfortable enough with the place to state that the woman’s sheep are still grazing in the same field “above the sea.”. And the most expensive, although a current glut in lobster stocks due to global warming of waters off the Maine coast means that Maine lobstermen are earning catastrophically less despite consumers still having to pay premium prices; see Jess Bidgood, "Some Wary as Lobstermen Unite,", St. John of the Cross was stuck with "luz," Spanish for "light," and uses "inflamada" ("inflamed") in line 2 to rhyme with "oscura" in line 1. ‘Skunk Hour’ by Robert Lowell was written in 1957 and published in the volume, Life Studies, one of Lowell’s most important poetic works. The poem concludes with the “skunk hour.”. Although there is no money in the work the decorator is doing, he continues. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Kathleen Spivack, who knew Lowell well, writes insightfully of his publicly expressed homophobia as "protective coloration" in mid–century Bostonian cultural contexts (122). There is “nobody…here.”, Although there are no people to keep him company, there are “skunks.” These creatures are unsavory to most, but at this moment they are related to the speaker in location and motivation. She sees them as being ugly eyesores. In the second stanza, the woman’s life is further defined. The woman is old enough to remember, or at least have respect for, the Victorian era. The son of the old “hermit heiress” is a “bishop.” He has also chosen a simple life, but one more closely connected to society. It doesn't provide any such indication for any other hypothesis, either. Frank J. Kearful – Signs of Life in Robert Lowell’s “Skunk Hour”,, Connotations - A Journal for Critical Debate. Nor can I say what "in the text" grants it prioritized status. Skunk Hour is a confessional poem. The login page will open in a new tab. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. She is the author of ‘The Armadillo,’ a piece that inspired Lowell to write ‘Skunk Hour.’ Lowell dedicates his poem to her as a way of respecting her remarkable poetic works and her contribution to his own development as a writer. Its effects lean more towards Northern Lights, a potent stone. Discover and learn about the greatest poetry ever straight to your inbox, To create the home of poetry, we fund this through advertising, Please help us help you by disabling your ad blocker. Lowell also sneaked a bishop if not Bishop into his poem: "Her son's a bishop." You can read the full poem here. Skunk Hour. His English translator Willis Barnstone uses "light" at the end of the second stanza to parry "night" at the end of the first, so strong is the pull of the "night / light" rhyme, whereas John of the Cross uses "segura" ("sure" or "surely"). As for my own hypothesis, I grant that "the text" provides no explicit evidence that death, death by his own hand, was the "real" reason we have lost him. The poems that I scrutinized written by Robert Lowell were Skunk Hour and For the Union Dead. It paints an image of a woman who was an “heiress,” or inheritor of a great deal of money, but has chosen to live as a hermit. From its skunk parent, Shiva Skunk gets the typical skunk aroma, while the heavy yields come from its Northern Lights parent. The draft, titled "Inspiration," is reprinted in Axelrod, Today one cannot leap from but may consult an online catalogue at. The speaker has returned to his home at this point and it is revealed he is not completely alone. She jabs her wedge-head in a cup of sour cream, drops her ostrich tail, and will not scare. The poem concludes with the “skunk hour.” This is a time in which the skunks prowl the streets of the town seeking out something to eat. October 3, 2011 “Skunk Hour” Robert Lowell’s poem “Skunk Hour” captures its readers through its thick diction, vivid imagery, and underlying symbolism. His “ill-spirit” was moved until he sobbed in every “blood cell.”, The last lines of this section make clear the speaker’s own loneliness. Baby skunk in the grass 2. Lowell’s speaker describes how he spends his nights on the top of a hill looking for lovers in cars. The first person who enters into the story is the “hermit / heiress.”. Skunk Hour Analysis 1108 Words | 5 Pages. I stand on top of our back steps and breathe the rich air- a mother skunk with her column of kittens swills the garbage pail. A tunnel–of–love cartoon in, Marvell's opening lines, spoken by the soul, inaugurate the topos: "O Who shall, from this Dungeon, raise / A Soul enslav'd so many wayes?" PABLO NERUDA If You Forget Me. Yeats' seems to find eternal harmony in artifice; Lowell ends with a tension, trying to stare down a skunk, it seems. Formed in Sydney in 1991 by brothers Aya & Del Larkin, Skunkhour were known for their brand of Funk/Hip Hop & Rock. Consider the shifting tone of the poem. They do a little warning dance. He screamed I’M BLIND, I’M BLIND! These are things that clearly suit the woman’s personality. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. How to Analyze Poetry; The Poets; Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935) Robert Frost (1874-1963) Amy Lowell (1874-1925) Dave Canterbury traps a skunk, but due to a high probability of rabies, their meat isn't safe to eat. This is a time in which the skunks prowl the streets of the town seeking out something to eat. Steven Gould Axelrod analyzes the "opaque, swirling linguistic signs" of the poem, in which "home becomes a nexus of isolation, paralysis, impoverishment, discord, and death. He's gone, but why is never spelled out. One dark night Echoes The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross, a Spanish mystic (1542-1591). It was bred using Sensi Seeds’ famous Northern Lights #5 with Skunk #1. For Elizabeth Bishop Nautilus Island's hermit heiress still lives through winter in her Spartan cottage; her sheep still graze above the sea. They are both moving around at night. Summary. My hypothesis underscores a contrast between him and the pertinacious hermit heiress, made of sterner New England stuff, who "still lives." Mr. Josh Mayo. It is modeled on “ The Armadillo,” a poem by Elizabeth Bishop; both poets dedicated their respective poems to each other. In "Skunk Hour" the speaker resists a suicide compulsion, but during Lowell's lifetime five poets who were students of his or friends didn't: Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, John Berryman, Randall Jarrell, and Delmore Schwartz. The emotion from this simple piece of music had a massive impact on the speaker. The detail present at the start of the poem gives way to a more emotional and personal take on the town in the second half. Whereas the final version says 'There is no money in his work, / he'd rather marry' about the 'fairy decorator,' in the draft the poet says this about himself: 'There is no money in this work / I'd rather marry.' A detailed summary and explanation of Stanza 1 in Skunk Hour by Robert Lowell. It appears throughout all eight stanzas, ranging from “village” to “filled.”. Rhyme scheme: Stanza lengths (in strings): Closest metre: Сlosest rhyme: Сlosest stanza type: Guessed form: Metre: Amount of stanzas: 9 Average number of symbols per stanza: 169 Average number of words per stanza: 31 Amount of lines: 48 Average number of symbols per line: 31 (strings are less long than medium ones) Average number of words per line: 6 Mood of the speaker: We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He breathes in the “rich air” at the same time as. Perhaps "millionaire" is humorously hyperbolic, but the "our" suggests that he was a regular summer visitor, now never more to return. This query prioritizes one hypothesis as the obvious one, takes for granted that there is something "in the text" to justify prioritizing it, and leaves the hypothesis standing as one which will remain "true" as long as it cannot be disproved. At first read "Skunk Hour" can be a little bit of a head scratcher. Her son's a bishop. This is likely due to his own solitude. She also reports on Lowell's, and her, rather humdrum, Stephen Matterson focuses more on the poet's primary role in the creation of what I call a healing fiction: ". Please log in again. For a sign of Lowell's interest in Bach, see Mariani 213. The poem is dedicated to his friend and junior poetess Elizabeth Bishop, who also wrote poetry about the necessity of simple powers of the mind and spirit to live a meaningful and happy life. Lowell inherited his house in Castine, Maine, from his aunt who lived there, but he only went there in summers, like the 'summer millionaire.' The rest of the ten–line stanza elaborates on its ill treatment by the body. No longer living in one of the roles proper to his Brahmin lineage—hermit, or bishop, or landowner—the speaker has declined into the unvirile role of the artist, comparable to that of the man whom the town contemptuously calls the 'fairy decorator'" (56–67). She is has a constant thirst for. After most of the town’s residents have gone to bed, he sets out in search of something fulfilling. In the first stanza of this piece the speaker begins by placing the events to come within one particular setting, “Nautilus Island.” This is a real island in Penobscot Bay, Maine. Did he suddenly go bankrupt during the summer? The skunk will not be scared off from her attempts at eating from the garbage, it is more important to her than fear. These cookies do not store any personal information. Textual exegesis, including exegesis of biblical passages, may call for a good deal of filling in gaps. The life he is living, and the current activity he is engaged in, make him feel like hell. In a 1978 interview conducted by Eileen McMahon, Bishop sought to minimize affiliations between the two poems and the significance of the dedications. What else would one have expected of him after summer was over? WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Sonnet 18: Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? This hour of the night, after which the poem is named, is the most depressing, but also revelatory for the speaker. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Can opt-out if you wish be skunk hour paraphrase merry. ” his work pleases him and he will continue to do anything! 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