reflections on the guillotine

Her literary pursuits began with playwriting. It was late-afternoon. Details are limited. “It is only color” that differentiates the African from the European. is a top-notch writing service that has continued to offer high quality essays, research papers … Fast Download speed and ads Free! Familial obligations dominate and are responses to the inadequacies of the state. All of her plays and novels carry the theme of her life’s work: indignation at injustice. Gouges’s depiction of the cause of the friction between the sexes in this novel is commentary on gender relations that here appears more conservative than will later be the case. Her refusal to be silent in the face of injustices, both personal and social, contains the roots of her legacy. – Tony L., West Hills High School. Monedas, Mary Cecilia. 113. View Notes - Reflections on the Guillotine from MGMT 370 at Newman University. Gouges identifies race as a social construct insofar as slavery condemns blacks to being bought and sold “like cows at market.” She is horrified at what privileged men will do in the name of profit. "What's good, nyuggah?!" Cladoselache & Doliodus. Especially prolific in the four years from 1789 to her death in 1793, her political passion, labeled conservative by many, is still astonishing for its persistence in a culture working strenuously too often to stifle women’s voices. Gouges’s formal petitions to the National Assembly, and her public calls for governmental and social reform through the press and through her pamphleteering (common in France), went far beyond the The Rights of Woman of 1791 (see next section) and her stance on slavery. I saw him standing at the window of his flat and looking across the courtyard at the opposite walls, not knowing what to do. 1 … The education Rousseau proposed for girls was mind-numbingly stifling; they were to be raised to understand they were “made for man’s delight.”. “Response to the American Champion” (trans. Her biographer Oliver Blanc suggests yes; historian John R. Cole (2011) turns up no evidence. “Neglected Texts of Olympe de Gouges, Pamphleteer of the French Revolution of 1789,”, Nielson, Wendy C. “Staging Rousseau’s Republic:  French Revolutionary Festivals and Olympe de Gouges.”, O’Neill, Eileen. Sylvie Molta) Add tags for "Reflections on the guillotine; an essay on capital punishment.". . Plato’s “Republic” was, in part, a meditation on the evils of mob rule Ten were published. At the center of an understanding of political life should be a commitment not to take life–that is, to preserve the polis as a whole. The Guillotine: Reflections on Violent Revolutionary Rupture Caroline Humphrey Introduction The guillotine is routinely associated with the French Revolution, but I shall suggest that one value of thinking about the killing machine itself is that it forces us to realize that … $9.40 ; In Stock. And, she had a unique voice on many matters. Born Marie Gouze in Montauban, France in 1748 to petite-bourgeois parents Anne Olympe Moisset Gouze, a maidservant, and her second husband, Pierre Gouze, a butcher, Marie grew up speaking Occitan (the dialect of the region). It adds to death a rule, a public premeditation known to the future victim, an organization which is itself a source of moral sufferings more terrible than death. Reflections on the Guillotine is similar to these topics: Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, Nuptials (Camus), The Rebel (book) and more. tags: civil-guillotine, love, poetry, sunflower. reflections on the guillotine (From the book Reflexions sur la peine Capitale, a symposium by Ar­thur Koestler and Albert Camus, published by Calmann-Levy in 1957) Shortly before the war of 1914, an assassin whose crime was particularly repulsive (he had slaughtered a family of farmers, including the children) was condemned to death in Algiers. Her challenge to traditional binaries wherever she found them may be the culminating arc of her work and where we can find our greatest debt to her. Like “A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea there lived a princess as tall and bright as a sunflower.” ... Finding Reflections Of Light In The Shittiness Of Life. 2021. A gorgeous, pneumatic blonde rival to pouty sex kitten Ann-Margret, singer/dancer/actress Joey Heatherton was also a product of the swinging 60s and taunted the film and TV variety scenes with her own version of a purring young sexpot. Gouges wrote a document that highlights her personal contradictions (her own monarchist leanings as they hinder full autonomy most obviously), while bringing piercing illumination to contradictions in the French Constitution. While never directly critical of Rousseau, the implication here is that the corruptibility of civilization can be countered only if we raised “Sophie” within a nurturing egalitarian family with as much freedom and natural exploration as Rousseau proposes for “Emile.” The happiness of all requires, among many other things, that “[g]irls will go to the fields and guard the animals” (tr. That fact, along with comments such as those of Pierre Chaumette: “[r]emember the shameless Olympe de Gouges, . And, in part, through her reverence for Rousseau, she sees problems with the separation, both devastating in its implications in practice and invigorating in its theoretical possibilities, between the private and the public spheres. Her ability to attain status and power and the public rostrum despite her background and her gender is astonishing. Once the sovereignty is removed, the individual, she believed, was no longer synonymous with that figurehead. Political passivity was itself seen as a feminine responsibility. Despite the lack of attention Gouges’s pamphlet received at the time, her greatest contribution to modern political discourse is the highlighting of the inadequacy of attempts at universality during the Enlightenment. Reflections on the Guillotine.pdf (2.54 MB) Login or register to post comments; Featured. This pamphlet also contains her call for a national theatre for women. As Cole summarizes: “she tried to rally other women behind a radical extension of liberty and equality into domestic relationships . The Crew là một game MMO Racing được đồng phát triển bởi Ivy Tower và Ubisoft Reflections với nhà phát hành là Ubisoft Entertainment. The dead-man helplessly places his head onto the chopping block, and time ceases for him. “Revolution and Opposition:  Olympe de Gouges and the. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. The crime of the murderer is a Both, however, see the resulting fact of women’s corruption and weak-mindedness as a major source of the problems of society, but herein also lies the solution. Intent to rape is a theme in this play as it was in L’Homme Généreux; a privileged husband’s misplaced lust brings damage to the family, while the suffering of the victim is given significant attention. 1990 gründete er zusammen mit Josh Brolin das Theaterfestival Reflections in Rochester, New York, das sich neuen Stücken widmet und dessen künstlerischer Leiter er fünf Jahre lang war. The demands contained within the original document assert the universality of “Man” while denying the specificity required for “Woman,” therefore collapsing—at least logically—of its own efforts. Written in 1784 and later revised, it was finally performed in 1789 under the title L’Esclavage de Nègres, ou l’Heureux naufrage [Black Slavery; or the Happy Shipwreck]. Pierre Bellec's Master Assassin outfit Obtained through completing Sequence 7, Memory 3. I'm not sure what you mean by 'unbalanced'. The article is about the views of Albert Camus which obviously are unbalanced but everything I have written is based on his essay and is not my opinion. The only woman executed for her political writings during the French Revolution, she refused to toe the revolutionary party line in France that was calling for Louis XVI’s death (particularly evident in her pamphlet Les Trois Urnes, ou le Salut de la Patrie [The Three Ballot Boxes, or the Welfare of the Nation, 1793). Charles-Henri Sanson, full title Chevalier Charles-Henri Sanson de Longval (15 February 1739 – 4 July 1806), was the royal executioner of France during the reign of King Louis XVI, and High Executioner of the First French Republic.He administered capital punishment in the city of Paris for over forty years, and by his own hand executed nearly 3,000 people, including the King himself. Perhaps most indicative of Gouges’s political courage and intellectual self-reliance was the stance which led to her death. Levy, Darline Gay, Harriet Branson Applewhite and Mary Durham Johnson. In the essay Camus takes an uncompromising position for the abolition of the death penalty. Epicurus (author) Paperback Published 24 Sep 2020. His advocacy of rule by the general will helped inspire the French to shed their monarchist allegiances and take to the streets. The Convent was her second play to see the light of day, and her greatest success. In 1792, one year before her trial and execution, she worked on two plays: the unfinished La France Sauvée, ou le Tyran détrôné [France Preserved, or the Tyrant Dethroned] and the completed L’Entrée de Dumourier [sic] à Bruxelles [Dumouriez’s Entry into Brussels]. She had begun to write in earnest around 1784. That said, the production of this document has influenced exactly that conversation, and thus her presence in the list of historical figures who matter philosophically has to be acknowledged. [9]This incidence, in fact, neither rises nor falls. Gouges broke with this tradition—publishing under her own name and pushing the boundaries of what was deemed appropriate subject matter for women playwrights—and withstood the consequences. Men’s tyranny over women, for Gouges, is clearly contrary to nature, not in sync with it. The incident occurs . Yet, women are encouraged to develop reason rather than charm, and one female character submits a carefully drawn up plan advocating education and job opportunities for females, eventually winning a small victory by receiving permission to run a women’s academy. Her argument for protections for the deposed French king comes, not so much from her royalist tendencies, but from her understanding of the “global family” and from her pacifism, as well as from her understanding of the separability of sovereign power from the individual who inhabits that power. We were too tired to talk much. Its sharp edge creates reflections of playful sunlight. Réflexions sur les hommes négres [Reflections on Black Men] raises questions about personhood and race. Joey Heatherton, Actress: Cry-Baby. Tải game The Crew miễn phí – GamePcCrack.Com. Gouges, much like Wollstonecraft, attempts to combat societal deficiencies: the vicious circle which neglects the education of its females and then offers their narrower interests as the reason for the refusal of full citizenship. Reflections On The Guillotine Essay, expository essay topics for junior high, best tiels for climate change essays, how do you write a thesis statement for aninformative essay. Hosts "Sima Lee" & "KLC" share their reflections on Maroons, rebellion, feminism, life, culture, community, trap liberation & everyday ratchetness! My senior paper put me Reflections On The Guillotine Essay over the top and I just got into the college I was dreaming of. She had three plays published:  Les Démocrates et les Aristocrates; ou le Curieux du Champ de Mars [The Democrats and the Aristocrats], a satire of political extremists on both sides; Le Nécessité du Divorce [The Necessity of Divorce], again illustrating the powerlessness of women trapped in marriage, and written simultaneously with a debate on the topic in the National Assembly (France would be the first Western country to legalize divorce two years later); and Le Couvent ou les Vœux Forces [The Convent, or Vows Compelled]. (3) Ms. Shavell is a full co-author of this article, but the article was motivated by Allen's experience, the story we are about to tell in the text. Mme de Valmont’s father’s refusal to acknowledge paternity raises issues of legitimacy for Valmont with financial and social repercussions. Tidal Guillotine: Area of Effect attack centred around Cladoselache.Players hit will take moderate damage, be Stunned for a couple seconds, and inflicted with a stack of Vulnerability Up. Azoulay (2009) gives the most scholarly attention to date to this novel, arguing that it provides evidence that Gouges was a monarchist only insofar as monarchy was the best means to preserve the nation. The latter depicted General Dumouriez’s defense of the Revolution against foreign anti-royalists, assisted by male and female warriors, and challenged her own privileging of aristocracy by suggesting that commoners were the true nobles. Email: [email protected] Among Gouges’s lost plays is one titled Les Rêveries de Rousseau, la Mort de Jean-Jacques à Ermenonville [Reveries of Rousseau, the Death of Jean-Jacques of Ermenonville] (1791)—she was an ardent admirer, calling him her “spiritual father”. Required fields are marked *. There, she acknowledges her lack of formal education (as she often did in her writings), suggesting that she could see some things more clearly because of that deficit (she is “at once placed and displaced in this enlightened age . What Lisa Beckstrand (2009) refers to as the “theme of the global family” also runs through Gouges’s literary work. Azoulay, Ariella. Select options. Rejection of the symbolic paternal voice of the culture has political power, and the Memoir presents an 18th century illustration of making the personal political—a vivid theme in 20th century feminism. The switch on the electric chair is thrown by several warders, and most of the rifles in the firing squad fire blanks. Reflections On The Guillotine. Her fictional characters all strain against the straightjackets of their identities:  strong women vie for their independence in conversation with sympathetic men rather than pitting themselves against each other in rivalry over men; men and women bond together to right some significant wrong; women seek strength in other women and unify to accomplish morally worthy goals; men often relinquish their arbitrary right to power over women to work in tandem to accomplish just goals. tags: color, flower, poem, poetry, sky, sun, sunflower, sunshine, vivid, vivid-imagery. THE LEAGUE OF THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following … Charlotte Jeanne Be’raud de la Haye de Riou, Marchioness of Montesson (1739-1806), wife of the Duke of Orleans, a playwright herself and a woman of much influence and wealth, was among a list of other friends who came to her aid. who abandoned the cares of her household to involve herself in the republic, and whose head fell under the avenging blade of the laws. Article XI, for example, demands the right of women to name the father of their children. Universal principles and the “masculine virtues” applied only to those dominant men. "Reflections on the Guillotine" is an extended essay written in 1957 by Albert Camus. 2 Albert Camus, Reflections on the Guillotine, in RESISTANCE, REBELLION, AND DEATH 175 (Justin O'Brien trans., 1961). Thus Paine was better than Burke when it came to the principle of the French revolution, but Burke did and said magnificent things when it came to Ireland, India and America. Cool to warm. What heals a government is an equal balance of powers and a shared virtue (consistent with her continuing approval of a constitutional monarchy). She moved the discussion of slavery from an abstract distant one (an issue for the colonies only) literally to center stage and specifically highlighted the moral irrelevance of color. Your email address will not be published. Revolutions, she insisted, could not succeed without the inclusion of women. Patch 5.3 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. Her later plays, more strongly political and controversial, were met with outright sarcasm and hostility by some reviewers: “[t]o write a good play, one needs a beard” wrote one critic. Reflections on the Guillotine. In the essay Camus takes an uncompromising position for the abolition of the death penalty.Camus's view is similar to that of Cesare Beccaria and the Marquis de Sade, the latter having also argued that murder premeditated and carried out by the state was the worst kind. The former, confiscated at her arrest, was used as proof of sedition at her trial because of its sympathetic depiction of Marie-Antoinette, even as Gouges used it to demonstrate support for her own case. Her decision to continue to publish works deemed seditious even as the danger of arrest grew shows courage and commitment to her advocacy of the less fortunate and exemplifies her self-definition as a political activist. Gouges contributed markedly to the depth and breadth of the discourse on women’s rights in late 18th century France, and on the plight of the underprivileged in general. 1 (Bumble Bee Crown King) $ 10.00. 115. Literate (schooled likely by Ursuline nuns in Montauban) but not particularly well-read, she spent the next decade informing herself on intellectual and political matters and integrating into Parisian society, supported by Jacques Biétrix de Roziéres, a wealthy weapons merchant, whom she may have met in Montauban shortly after the death of her husband or through her married sister, Jeanne Raynart. U. S. A. Extant Works by Olympe de Gouges (in French), On-line English Translations of Gouges’s Original Works, Secondary Sources in English (except Blanc). In addition to the political activism just mentioned, Gouges foreshadowed Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) and Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), by calling for disobedience to obviously unjust laws. “Reflections on Negroes” (trans. In the chilling essay “Reflections on the Guillotine” Camus insists on the abolishment of the death penalty. In all of her writings, both literary and political, one finds an unflinching self-confidence and a desire for justice. Many of the most influential eighteenth century intellectuals—with a few exceptions—were convinced women did not have the intellectual capacity for politics. (p. 176) His "Reflections on the Guillotine" is the longest essay in book. An early example is the postface to the second printing of her first play, written prior to its first staging, but after a long battle with the Comédie Française to have it staged. It saw three performances before it was shut down by sabotaging actors and protests organized by enraged French colonists who, deeply reliant on the slave trade, hired hecklers to wreak havoc on the production. He believed that imposing the death penalty on a person deprived her of the opportunity of making amends, and no one should be denied the opportunity of making amends. Maclean Marie. The plight of the illegitimate child, the unmarried mother, the poor, the commoner (at least by 1792), the orphan, the unemployed, the slave, even the King when he is most vulnerable, are all brought to light, with family connection and sympathy for the most disadvantaged as the pivotal plot points. Camus’s essay “Reflections on the Guillotine” supplies a detailed examination of the issue. With the marriage contract from The Rights of Woman as a template, she unpacks reasons for the lack of solidarity between the sexes; she depicts women living in a mythical society where education becomes a requirement for civic virtue; access to reason is necessary so that women grow up equal to men and engaged in public life. Her path from social nonconformist, to political activist and reformer, to martyr was one untrodden by women. She wrote The Original Happiness of Man in 1789 as a demonstration of her debt to Rousseau. “Gouges did not seek the preservation of the monarchy but rather the revival of the kingdom” (43). If “they are animals, are we not like they?” There is explicit criticism here of a binary way of seeing the world. ; Decapitation by sword, for nobles only. Additional material: While agreeing with Rousseau that civilization corrupts, she parts ways with him on the education of females. Download and Read online Reflections On The Guillotine ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Albert Camus, from Reflections on the Guillotine (thanks, mariecontinent) Submitted by the-rest-is-noise. 14 likes. He could virtually do this at any time during his time as an Assassin in Paris. But when it came to females, a system of cultural constraints was necessary in order to ensure the properly compliant nature for a companion for Emile. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. Color cannot be a criterion for dehumanization. Yes! “[A]mong men, opinion is the tomb of virtue; among women it is the throne” (Emile, V:1278). The immediacy of the implications of the Revolution finally fully awakened Gouges to the ramifications of being denied equal rights, but her entire oeuvre was aiming in this direction. You may have already requested this item. Among her many calls for change in this medium were: (as mentioned above) a demand for a national theatre dedicated to the works of women; a voluntary tax system (one of the few demands she published anonymously and which saw implementation the following year); state-sponsored working-groups for the unemployed; social services for widows, the elderly and orphans; civil rights for illegitimate children and unmarried mothers; suppression of the dowry system; regulation of prostitution; sanitation; rights of divorce; rights to marriage for priests and nuns; people’s juries for criminal trials; and the abolition of the death penalty. The list is included in the introduction to his On the Cultural Achievements of Negroes (1808), which was written as a counter to Thomas Jefferson’s less admiring look at race in Notes on the State of Virginia (1782). Mercier helped her navigate the tricky internal politics of the Comédie Française—the prestigious national theater of France—assisting her to publish several of her plays, and  to stage a handful. While she was not an immediatist like some in the next generation of abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879) in the U.S., abolitionist thought permeated her understanding of the world and of herself as a writer, and soon grounded her thinking on women. Forty-nine of us, forty-eight men and one woman, lay on the green waiting for the spike to open. He proposed that boys turn out best when left to themselves. and [s]he made a more formal and sweeping demand for the extension of full civil and political rights to women than any prior person, male or female, French or foreign” (231). Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Master Assassin outfit Obtained through collecting all the artifacts in the Helix rifts. Her social contract proclaims that the right in marriage to equal property and parental and inheritance rights is the only way to build a society of “perfect harmony.” As with Beauvoir a century and a half later, Gouges calls women to take responsibility for their condition, and demand equality. "Reflections on the Guillotine" is an extended essay written in 1957 by Albert Camus. She was among the first to demand the emancipation of slaves, the rights of women (including divorce and unwed motherhood), and the protection of orphans, the poor, the unemployed, the aged and the illegitimate. Most notable, perhaps, is the appearance of the three women as worthy of a place of honor and a voice, platforms they use to assert, among other things, that the success of the Revolution pivots on the inclusion of women. Marriage, as the center for political exploitation, is thoroughly lambasted in the postamble, Part 5, to The Rights of Woman. Anthony Zerbe trat zudem in zahlreichen Theaterstücken auf. Linked Data. In terms of gender, Rousseau was influencing the Revolution in just the way Gouges was finding fault with it. Sympathy for his inexperienced wife and, later, an innocent baby, gives him insights he uses for moral reflection, a theme found in David Hume (1711-1776), Josiah Royce (1855-1916), and much modern feminist ethics. She had a talent for emulating those she admired, including especially Rousseau but also Condorcet, Voltaire, and the playwright Beaumarchais. On-going translation project by Clarissa Palmer:  Available at The publication of Memoir of Madame de Valmont (1788) ironically begins, rather than summarizes, her political career. A singular figure in the French Revolution and a founding influence on the direction of women’s and human rights, Gouges’s resistance to gendered social norms and her insistence on the revolutionary nature of the application of women’s rights makes her an important historical figure. “From Reform to Revolution: The Social Theater of Olympe de Gouges.” In Montfort-Howard, Catherine, ed. The male characters still hesitate to share the reins with women. Read more Show Details. Similar Items. Trophy information. Verdier, Gabrielle. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Rousseau’s condemnation of class distinctions also spoke directly to Gouges’s experience. Maryann DeJulio) Extended essay written in 1957 by Albert Camus. (When that sovereign is in one’s own household–all the more need for vigor.) Be the first. Moliére chez Ninon ou e siécle de grands hommes [Moliére at Ninon’s, or the Century of Great Men] (1788), for instance, challenges the double standard between the sexes by depicting the famous, fiercely independent, literary courtesan, Ninon de Lenclos (1620-1705), as a noble person positively influencing the male intellectuals in her circle, including Moliére, all of whom are present to honor a visit by another notable intellectual, Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689). Forceful and sarcastic in tone and militant in spirit, its third section takes up each of the seventeen Articles of the Preamble to the French Constitution in turn and highlights the glaring omission of the female citizen within each article. Borrowing from Rousseau, Gouges proposes a “social contract” as replacement for traditional marriage, reformulating his social contract with a focus that obliterates his gendered conception of citizen, and create the conditions for both parties to flourish. In the “Form for a Social Contract Between Man and Woman,” Gouges offers a kind of civil union based on equality, which will create the “moral means of achieving the perfection of a happy government!”. She was married at 16 or 17 in 1765, unhappily, to Louis Aubrey (an associate of Pierre’s), with whom she had a son (also) Pierre, and by the age of 18 or 19 was widowed. Related Subjects: (2) Guillotine. Women characters regularly displace men at center stage. The female as subject rather than object, especially in political discourse, is among the most important and prevalent. Even Wollstonecraft, in her Vindication of 1792, does not call for the complete reinvention of women as political selves, as does Gouges in 1791. The play also shines a light on the injustice of imprisonment for debt. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (This is also the year Gouges wrote The Rights of Woman, discussed separately below.). She experienced firsthand how the rights of the citizen were denied women. For Gouges, the most important expression of liberty was the right to free speech; she had been exercising that right for almost a decade. Such activism was not unheard-of on the stage, but Gouges carried it to new heights. “Reflections on the Guillotine” opens wit h the same experience of his father. Điểm đặc biệt của The Crew đó là thế giới mở với môi trường đa dạng để bạn có thể thỏa sức tung hoành và khám phá. Her freedom comes from her lack of constraint, originating, in part, in her lack of formal education. © 2016 - 2020 GamePcCrack.Com | All Rights Reserved. Add to basket; Being Happy. While he also expressed no patience for women’s forays into traditional male arenas such as writing, the narrator’s solution is to call for women to stop undermining other women and work to support each other. Woods – Reflections Vol. By far her most well-known and distinctly feminist work, The Rights of Woman (1791) was written as a response to The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, written in 1789 but officially the preamble to the French Constitution as of September 1791. Her first play, written in 1785, never produced for the stage, but published the following year, L’Homme Généreux [The Generous Man] explored the political powerlessness of women through representation of a socially privileged man’s struggle with sexual desire. Kosmopolitismus (von altgriechisch κόσμος kósmos „Ordnung, Weltordnung, Welt“ und πολίτης polítes „Bürger“), auch Weltbürgertum, ist eine philosophisch-politische Weltanschauung, die den ganzen Erdkreis als Heimat betrachtet. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Electronics Books Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Subscribe and save Coupons Sell Reflections on Gandhi (1949) THE SPIKE. Just as Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) does in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), Gouges points to female artifice and weakness as a consequence of woman’s powerless place in this legalized sexual union. Camus's view is similar to that of Cesare Beccaria and the Marquis de Sade, the latter having also argued that murder premeditated and carried out by the state was the worst kind. And, difference in color is simply the beauty of nature. But he did not question the right of the sovereign over the governed and Gouges, despite her monarchism, does at times do so with vigor. Accepted by the Comédie Française when submitted anonymously in 1785, it was then shelved for four years once the identity (and gender) of the playwright was confirmed. “Sunrise paints the sky with pinks and the sunset with peaches. 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